Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Cleaning the bathroom at Starbucks
is an ordeal

you have at most
a 2 minute window
before someone else needs to use it

and when you finish
there's usually someone waiting outside

on their last sip
of their iced quad venti
caramel macchiato

for the inevitable

My best days are spent

in the washroom

10 seconds in
a Chopin nocturne will come on

and I am at peace
with the graffiti on the mirror
and the suspect looking
wadded up toilet paper on the floor

the handle jiggles
followed by another
even more violent jiggle

as if to say

break's over numbnuts!
get your 30-year-old ass out here
so I can pee in the sink!

I open the door
and there's a line

wanting to know
why their order wasn't filled
before they placed their order

I open the door

and it all comes rushing in

© 2011 Lee Kitzis


ljr said...

read some of your stuff

your pretty good

it helps to get it out

has been my experience

ljr said...

i cleaned the toilets

at the oklahoma gazette

for over eight years

ljr said...


was surprised i was permitted to be here

Scotch and Salad said...

thanks for your kind words. always nice to meet a fellow workin' man and fan. it takes awhile to put the comments up cus i screen all of them to flush out the spam links.

My Brain said...

Oh i know that pain ohhhh too well. I worked in Gloria Jeans a while back. Which is Australia's version of the Starbucks chain. I was on toilet patrol for about 4 months. I saw that wad of paper, i had the same 2 minute time frame. A double shot venti frappacino almost comes out the wrong end just from looking at it. After taking their last sip on the the way to the toilet. you open the door of the bathroom with the mop in your hand and do an awkward shuffle with the customer. And all the while you're thinking. F*&^. Ive gotta go do it all again in about 10 minutes when this guy is done with his mudding of the toilet.

Scotch and Salad said...

haha. oh, yeah. i'm familiar with gj's. same shit, different pile. pun intended.

Anonymous said...

Loved this poem! Hey, you may want to stop by my blog for authors to read about the benefits of indie publishing. I don't have lots for poets (sorry), but there is stuff for those who are publishing books. Please say hi when you visit. Fay of www.fay-moore-blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Seems like there is a whole series of poems waiting to be written about what happens at any Starbucks, anywhere...
...the not-so-recently laid-off exec staring out the window...the stay-at-home mom taking out frustration on the barista, who didn't get the fussy drink justquiteright...the desperate networking of people looking for work...high school students wondering wtf this all leads to (as they look around and see the exec, the mom, the desperately networking)...the over-educated, under-employed barista trying to get through the day without burning herself on steaming hot liquids...

I like your work. Keep writing.

Scotch and Salad said...

anon- thank you so much. like your comment. really spot on. leads me to believe you might be an ex/current employee of the bux.