Wednesday, July 12, 2023

I am 42

 All my favorite baseball players

are fat and dead


I wish I could apologize to the girlfriends I had at 19


I tasted like cigarettes and didn't know where the clitoris was


I still don't entirely


But age has taught me to try


I have a vague idea

like remembering an AOL password

or the name of that restaurant in Spain we went to

the second day of our honeymoon


I have a wonderful wife, I have a wonderful daughter, 

I want for nothing but scotch I can't afford


No TV studio would buy my story


I asked the doctor if I can continue eating out of a trash can


He said no and recommended 5 ounces of notebook paper

and 20 gallons of water a day


If you season it right it's fine

I lied

it isn't


Sometimes I eat cold pizza after 11pm

I convince myself it's a smaller piece when I record the calories

don't tell Doctor Stevens


The other day I made a Seinfeld reference 

to the 21-year-old cashier at the liquor store

she stared at me blankly 


I've still got that edge baby


© 2023 Lee Kitzis 


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