Wednesday, June 3, 2009

100 posts

I was at my second job the other day. A soul-crushing piece of shit line of work we'll call The Sports Authority.

It was the middle of the day. The sun was shining. It smelled like B.O.

I lifted up my right arm and took a whiff. Nothing but freshness.

Lifted up my left. It smelled like a fat guy's bed sheet.

Somehow I had managed to get out of the shower swipe my right pit and leave it at that.

I'm 28 years old and my brain is a fried egg. But I am still spry enough to count.

100 posts.

Keep to my right.


Unknown said...

Congrats on this milestone.
Also, I always enjoy the use of the word spry.
Good job.

Scotch and Salad said...

thanks man. and thanks for stickin' with me.