Thursday, April 30, 2009

ad man

So I was walking back from work today and passed these Snickers advertisements. You've seen 'em. The ones that give you the sudden urge to kill. "Playin' on the Snaxophone." "Come visit the Snaxzeum." "Put some nougat in your Snaxypack." Blahblahblah. Eat a bag of dicks.

Anyway, so i getsta thinking about how I can't believe the assholes that come up with this make like 6x as much as I do. And then I getsta thinking "Hey! I can do that!" And lastly I getsta thinking "Nah. You need to be a shithead to work that job cus you gotta think like a shithead."

However, that didn't stop me from coming up with some alternatives to the current Snickers ads. Here they are. Enjoy.

Fuck you. Have a Snickers.

It's got peanuts. Eat it.

Snickers. 75¢.

Future ad man out.

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