Friday, May 15, 2009


Anybody that knows me
knows I'm the Detroit Lions of work ethic

so when they called an Employee of the Month meeting
I was less than thrilled

Her name was Laura
she passed post-it pads around to all the employees

The top read "Thank You"
there was a "To" and "From" section

She let everyone know
they could write them to themselves

I thought about using the whole pad
for self-congratulatory notes

then she went through the 3 levels of employee honors

the highest
was the Carl Friedenberg Employee of the Year Award

I don't know who Carl Friedenberg is
so I assumed he was either dead
or living with his mother

"Well, that's it" she said
"Just to let you know it's my last day."

there was a collective "awwwww"

"yeah I was part of the lay-offs"

there was a collective silence

She laughed

No Carl Friedenberg for her

© 2009 Lee Kitzis

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